Privacy & Terms

Operation Policy of STUDIO LICO Game Services

1. Basic Policy

  • (1) The purpose of this Operation Policy is to provide effective services and protect the rights of members while they use the game services offered by STUDIO LICO Corp. ( hereafter referred to as the “Company”).
  • (2) The Company will continue making every effort to ensure that its members benefit from the best service available, and members are advised to read this Operation Policy carefully in order to avoid any potential detriment that may arise while using the provided services.
  • (3) The Company is entitled to make any modification to this Operation Policy and any such modification will be announced through the game services or on its official community website at least seven (7) days prior to the effective date of the change (or thirty (30) days prior to the effective date for any modification that is adverse to members or which is otherwise crucial).
  • (4) Any matters not specified in this Operation Policy will be handled in accordance with the Company’s Terms of Use (hereafter referred to as the “Terms”), the Privacy Policy, relevant laws, or general commercial practices.
  • (5) Measures restricting usage outlined in this Operation Policy refer to restrictions on usage of Member’s accounts, game services, and in-game characters.

2. Member Rights and Duties

  • (1) Members have the right to obtain effective services from the Company, and they must abide by the Terms and this Operation Policy to benefit from such services. If this duty is violated, the member may become subject to restrictions on service use.
  • (2) Members must subscribe to the services with their own personal information and any damage that may arise from or in consequence of a subscription made using personal information stolen from a third party or false information will not be protected by the Company. In addition, the member will be held liable for any issues that result from the theft of said personal information.
  • (3) Members are not permitted to engage in commercial activities using the content provided in the service without prior approval from the Company.
  • (4) Members are prohibited from using any information obtained through use of the services of the Company through means including reproduction, duplication, modification, translation, publication, or broadcasting, or to provide such information to a third party without the prior approval of the Company.
  • (5) The Company does not approve any act of sharing and transferring items or accounts as part of a cash transaction. As the Company will not provide help for issue (fraud or account theft) that can result from such acts, please be advised to make careful decisions before sharing items or accounts, engaging in cash transactions, or making trades.
  • (6) If a member becomes aware of any potential game exploits (bugs, account theft, or illegal programs), they must notify us through customer support (1:1 inquiry, etc.). If a report is not filed, the Company will not be held liable for any damage caused by abuses of issues in the system or for any acts that constitute the proliferation and misuse of bugs, and the member(s) at fault may be subject to restrictions on service use without prior notice.
  • (7) Members are responsible for the consequences of any damage caused by using programs that have not been officially provided by the Company.
  • (8) In the event where a member believes that they have been unfairly treated or harmed in the course of using the service, they may inquire and request remedy through official channels of the Company, such as customer support.
  • (9) A member may inquire about services through the following channels:

    - 1:1 inquiry through customer support for the game service;

    - The relevant channel on the official community website (official café, etc.).

  • (10) While the Company will provide faithful answers to customer inquiries and suggestions, please be aware that there may be delays in providing such answers depending on the number of submitted inquiries or for other reasons.

3. Account Management

  • (1) Each and every member has the duty to manage his or her own account.
  • (2) Member are required to change their passwords regularly in order to protect their personal information from being accessed fraudulently by others for account theft.
  • (3) Any attempt by a member to trade with others using accounts, characters, or items and cash or other payment may deprive the member of their right of use without warning, the Company will not be able to offer any help in such an event. In addition, all responsibility for any issues that arise from account sharing and cash/in transactions will be the burden of the person who has registered the account.
  • (4) The theft of a third party's resident registration number, account, etc. may become subject to criminal prosecution pursuant relevant laws.
  • (5) The Company does not request personal information (such as a resident registration number, private information, etc.) from its customers. Please be advised to use due caution and diligence to prevent the leakage of personal information by those who impersonate Company administrators or employees.

4. Restrictions on Service Use

  • (1) The Company may restrict services for its members who interfere with game operation or offend public morals, in order to provide effective service.
  • (2) In the event where a member violates the restriction standards specified in the Operation Policy, their service use may be restricted without prior notice.
  • (3) Standards for restricting service use under this Operation Policy will be handled in accordance with the following table of restriction standards.

    Table of Restriction Standards

    - However, if a member is found to have committed the same infraction again, after being subject to the final measure, his or her use of game services will be permanently cut off.

    Period of restrictions on
    the service use (days)
    Use of
    indecent language
    (bad manners)

    “Use of indecent language” means any the following forms of conduct:

    - Use of swear words or abusive slang

    - Use of overly-sexual language or conduct that causes sexual humiliation

    - Conduct that disparages, mocks, or condemns certain regions, religions, races, genders, disabilities, etc.

    - Threats against another party or baseless accusations

    - Continuously flooding the game service with identical content

    - Conduct that is unpleasant or repugnant to another party or multiple users

    - Use of language that is socially unacceptable

    ※ When indecent language is used, countermeasures can be implemented without prior notice

    3 days
    7 days
    15 days
    30 days
    (including advertising)

    “Cash transactions” refer to any of the following conduct:

    - Cashing out accounts and items or an attempt to do so

    - Posting ads with a phone number on a guestbook/bio in the game

    - Trading one’s items in game for cash or cash equivalent

    - Posting commercial ads in the game for the purpose of generating profit

    ※ Members who post commercial ads for the purpose of generating profit will be subject to permanent restriction on use for his or her first violation.

    15 days

    "Conduct that interferes with game operations” is any of the following conduct:

    - Interfering with the normal gameplay of other users by abusing game systems

    - Inflicting repeated harm to other users’ gameplay experience

    - Intentionally inflicting harm to other users’ gameplay experience

    1 days
    3 days
    7 days
    30 days
    Conduct that interferes
    with operation services

    “Conduct that interferes with operation services” means any of the following conducts:

    - Delaying other customers’ service by filing false reports

    - Making false reports against other customers

    - Making false reports regarding damage suffered through account theft

    - Submitting inquiries that contain sexual harassment, sexual disparagement, or sustained foul language

    - Spreading false information that has not been publicly announced by the Company and provoking other users

    1 days
    3 days
    15 days
    30 days
    Account theft

    “Account theft” refers to any of the following conduct:

    - Accessing and using the accounts of other customers

    - Taking items or goods from other customers, without their discretion

    - Knowingly participating in account theft

    - Making unauthorized payments with someone else’s credit card


    “Exploitation/abuse” refers to any of the following conduct:

    - Abusing the game system to obtain unfair advantages

    - Causing harm to other customers through abnormal means

    - Obtaining advantages which effect the balance or system of the game through the exploitation of bugs

    - Manipulation or working with other players to unfairly set prices within the game system or during events

    ※ If a user discovers any conduct that may constitute an abuse or misuse of the system, they are required to report such a discovery to customer support immediately. If the user fails to report this and obtains advantages or informs others of said exploit, they may become subject to restrictive measures.

    ※ In the event that exploitative gameplay is discovered, the concerned account may be temporarily disabled for further investigation.

    ※ Permanent restrictions may be imposed depending on the severity of the issue.

    ※ The restrictive measures may vary depending on whether the items/goods obtained by abusing bugs are recoverable or not.

    15 days
    Use or distribution
    of illegal programs

    “Use and distribution of illegal programs” refers to any of the following conduct:

    - Taking down the game server by using illegal programs

    - Using programs that have not been authorized by the Company and sharing such programs with other customers

    - Fabricating/modifying the game system through abnormal means

    ※ Illegal programs are any programs that have not been authorized by the Company, which enable abnormal gameplay beyond the scope of normal game activities.

    ※ In the event where particular gameplay is repeated in an abnormal pattern through the use of an illegal program, the related user may be subject to restrictions on their account.

    of another person
    Company employees)

    “Impersonation of another person” is any of the following conduct

    - Impersonating game administrators

    - Impersonating Company employees

    - Impersonating the operation team by exploiting fake blogs/images

    - Impersonating the original developers of a game

    15 days
    Inappropriate names

    5. In the event where inappropriate names are used in violation of the naming policy

    * This applies to every name used in the game. If an inappropriate name is found, it will be reverted to a default name and the user will be subject to restrictions on their service use.

    15 days
    Abuse of payment systems

    “Abuse of payment system” refers to any of the following conduct:

    - Abusing the refund or payment cancellation process in the open market store

    - Spreading/sharing any possible exploitations of the payment system with other customers

    ※ The Company may request police or prosecution investigation depending on the severity of the issue

  • (4) In the event of repeated violations of any standard, the Company may impose a heavier restriction on service use, and may employ measures that are stronger than those prescribed in the table of restriction standards, including making alterations to the periods and methods of the restrictions on use, taking into account the circumstances at the time of violation or its impact on the service.
  • (5) The Company may impose restrictions on conduct that is not provided in the table of restriction standards if such conduct is deemed equivalent to those in the table or considered a violation of the Terms or Use or relevant statutes and depending on the severity of the violation.
  • (6) If service has been restricted, the user may file an appeal through the following channel within 15 days of the date when the restriction went into effect.

    - 1:1 inquiry to customer support or through relevant channels in the official community for each game

5. Naming Policy

  • (1) The naming policy applies equally to all names which are selected by members including character names, nicknames, and guild names.
  • (2) Members are free to use any character name, nickname, guild name, etc.
    However, the Company may take necessary measures, such as imposing restrictions on use without warning and enforcing unilateral changes if the following names are found to be in use. In addition, the Company will not be able to provide help for any damage caused by such changes.

    - Names that are offensive to others.

    - Names that contain abusive language, slang, or obscene content

    - Names that discriminate or demean those of certain religions, races, genders, companies, etc.

    - Names that are antisocial, in violation of relevant laws, or socially unacceptable.

    - Names that are associated with the Company (including its employees), the game title or its original work, or those that are considered to have been created with intent to impersonate such entities or individuals.

    - Names that may induce cash transactions for items/accounts

    - Names that may be recognized as or mislead people to believe they belong to administrators of the game service such as admins, guides, or game masters (commonly referred to as GMs).

    - Names that may violate the rights of a third party, such as trademarks, copyrights, etc.

    - Names that advertise

6. Recovery Policy

  • (1) In the event where a member's item/character is lost or their information has been modified due to reasons attributable to the Company (such as a technical error), the Company will recover such data or information to an equivalent state.
  • (2) The member must submit a recovery request through a 1:1 inquiry, etc. within 7 days of the date of the issue.
  • (3) A member will not be able to obtain recovery support in the following events:

    - 7 days have elapsed since the date the issue occurred;

    - Submitting the request from an account which is not their own account on which the issue occurred;

    - If the issue is attributable to another member or it has occurred due to the member’s failure to read and understand the details specified in the Operation Policy, announcement, etc.

    - Damage caused by fraud (such events are mostly caused by negligence. However, the alleged perpetrator’s account will be disabled according to the Operation Policy for an investigation to prevent further damage.)

    - In cases where related information does not exist in the game service or it is impossible to objectively identify records in the data

    - Other reasons that fall within the events under the "Indemnity of the Company" clause as specified in Article 27 of the Company's Terms of Use;

7. Disputes between Customers in the Game

  • (1) The Company will not intervene in or enact measures for disputes that may arise between customers during the course of gameplay.
  • (2) However, for exceptional cases where a personal dispute inflicts harm to an unspecified number of members, the Company may enact certain measures. Specifically, if the Company has determined that such disputes between members constitute disruption to the decorum of the game service or an action that violates relevant statutes, the Company may respond promptly, in accordance with this Operation Policy or other regulations, and take appropriate measures to protect innocent members.

8. Operation Policy for the Community

  • (1) The Company may offer community services related to the other services it provides, and these services may be used by any member.
  • (2) The Operation Policy for the community contains regulations for the Company so as to promote amicable use of the community services provided by the Company and preserve a healthy online-community culture.
  • (3) The following types of posts and comments are prohibited in order to create a healthy and amicable community. The Company may delete posts that fall within any of the following criteria and restrict their authors’ activities in the community.

    - Content that may offend others, such as abusive language, slander, etc.

    - Repeated posting abbreviated letters, words, or other identical content (flooding the bulletin board, etc.)

    - Anti-social content that violates social order, is damaging to traditional customs, or that is harmful to others such as adult material

    - Content that violates the rights of third parties, including the infringement of copyrights or portrait rights, or which otherwise may cause legal dispute

    - Content that contains instructions for committing criminal (illegal) acts

    - Content that contains illegal data (images that violate the law, illegal programs, materials with unclear sources, etc.) or which is related to the production, sharing, and distribution of such data

    - Content that is considered impersonation of or intent to impersonate concerned parties (including administrators or Company employees) of the Company or the game service

    - Content that contains commercial promotion or advertising that is not related to the game.

    - Content that is related to transactions which involve cash or cash equivalents, such as the sale of accounts or items

    - Content that defames the Company or interferes with Company business

  • (4) Users will be held responsible for the posts they upload to the community service.
  • (5) The Company will continue to do its utmost to carefully manage and preserve posts uploaded on each bulletin board associated with the Company’s services. However, the Company will not be held liable for the loss of bulletin board data caused by unforeseen accidents, natural disasters, or other technical difficulties.
  • (6) By rule, any dispute that arises from defaming others on the community service should be resolved between the users, and the Company will not be held liable for any such issues.

<Addendum 1>

This Operation Policy shall be effective from [07. 16, 2021]